Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sonninese Holiday Sweets: Cannelicchi

Someone recently left a comment looking for Sonninese holiday sweets/cookies. I talked with my cousin in Sonnino and she said that "Cannelicchi" are a traditional dessert. The ingredients are in Italian with an admittedly poor English translation below them (I used a free translation service. Enjoy!


4 uova
circa 1/2 kg. farina
un barattolo di miele
fogli di limone o piccoli cestini di carta


Impastare le uova con la farina, fino ad ottenere una pasta abbastanza consistente, ma non tropo dura.
Lavorare la pasta e tagliare a bastoncini della grandezza di un mignolo. Ritagliare come piccoli gnocchi.
Friggerli nell'olio ben caldo e scolarli.
Versare il miele in una padella, scioglierlo al fuoco e, unire i cannolicchi. Amalgamare bene il tutto fino a quando non si sente il profumo del miele.
Togliere dal fuoco e disporre i cannelicchi in piccole porzioni sulle foglie di limone, precedentemente lavate e asciugate oppure dentro cestini di carta o ancora tutti insieme dentro un piatto (v. foto).


4 eggs about 1/2 kg. flour a lemon of sheets oil honey of can or small baskets of card


To mix the eggs with the flour, until to obtain an enough pasta consisting, but not hard metaphor. To work the pasta and to cut small sticks of the size of a pinkie. To clip like small gnocchi. To fry them in the quite warm oil and to drain them. To pour the honey in a pan, to dissolve it to the fire and, to unite the cannolicchi. To amalgamate well everything until does not hear itself the perfume of the honey. To remove from the fire and to arrange the cannelicchi in small portions on the leaves of lemon, previously washed and dried or inside baskets of card or still all together within a dish (v. photograph).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sonninese olive oil gets rated one of the best!

Check out the article...I'm looking for a way

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Restoration of San Michelle Arcangelo

This a book my family sent along about the restoration of San Michelle Arcangelo. They did a beautiful job on the church and you should check it out if you visit. I'l be posting pictures of the inside of the church soon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rastime: Te Pozzeno Da No Lampo!

As I have writen before, "rastime" are old Sonnninese sayings that, while sounding rude, are said with love.

This weeks rastime is : Te pozzeno da no lampo

This translates to "I hope you get struck by lightening"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zio Nicola and family

Here is another picture of my great-uncle Nicola who passed away this week. In the picture from right to left is my cousins Matteo, Mauritzia, Matteo's wife Kai, my great-aunt Adele and Uncle Nicola. This picture was taken this past Christmas. He will be dearly missed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pescrai - post crass

The Sonninese dialect is a living, breathing language with adaptations and inventions. My relatives in Sonnino have been a great resource in helping me understand the unique characteristics of Sonninese.

"Postcrai" is an example of a word that has ben adapted by Sonninese speakers. It means in 3 days in Sonnninese but in Latin really means in 2 days . Click below to listen.

A sad passing

Two days ago my great-uncle Nicola D'Angelis passed away. When my wife and I first visited Sonnino, Nicola was one of the first relatives we met. He threw his arms in the air and gave us huge hugs and then immediately told us that we had to come over for lunch! He told us stories of working in the butcher shop with my great-grandmother when he was a child.

Every time we visited Sonnino we were greeted by that same excitement. Spending time with Uncle Nicola was something we always looked forward too and will miss profoundly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Le Torce 2008...

This was our view coming down the mountain toward Sonnino Scalo.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nganiaturo per la pittia: Pasta board

The Sonninese word for the board that you use to roll out the pasta is "nganiaturo per la pittia". My spelling is probably off. I have my great-grandmothers pasta board that I use when I make my own pasta. Click below to hear my cousin Maury.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sonninese wine in Tennessee?

Yes indeed. The Ippolito family, who are origionally from Sonnino, own a B&B and winery in Tennessee. They make a wine called "Sonnino Sunset". CHeck out their website below. They have information about ordering their wine.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Book of Sonnino postcards

This is a great book of Sonnino postcards that my cousins sent me a few months ago. There are some wonderful classic pictures of Sonnino. If people are interested I can try to find out where the book can be purchased. They sent along a few other books that I'll best posting about.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sonninese word: Alluccare

I found this very interested. We often hear about the Latin roots of english word, not the other way around. My cousin Maurizia told me that the Sonninese word "Aluccare" comes from an adaptation of the english "to look". She said that this started being used when Americans were in Sonnino during WWI. Click on the button to listen to the pronunciation.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Video of religious procession (the Madonna) in Sonnino

I found this video in a Google search. It's a nice little montage and has some good pictures of Sonnino. Click on the link to view the video.

Ogni sette anni - la processione della madonna delle grazie di Sonnino

ogni sette anni - la processione della madonna delle grazie di sonnino

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Alley in old Sonnino

I took this video so that people could get a real-time experience of what it's like walking through the historical section of Sonnino. This is one of the longer was tricky trying to video and walk down the the smooth cobblestone steps at the same time!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sonnino's on

Who knew. I recently typed in "Sonnnino, Italy" into Google and saw that about 7 links down there was a link for "Hotels near Sonnino". If you click on the link Priceline does indeed provide a list of hotels near Sonnino...I've even stayed a few of them. Give it a try.